
Bogdan Guestbook

No sounds in space

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1 13 Apr 2022 11:01 PM       Bogdan               From: Timisoara
Hey! Is this still working?
Nice to see you back in business!

Response:  Yes, it's still working, after all the years. You know, sometimes old tech works better than the new one.

2 13 Sep 2019 07:53 PM       Beppe               From: Verona Italia
Dear Sir
I intend to proceed with the construction of his 2
wonderful watches.
the mini as proof and then the maxi with 6 segment LEDs.

I can't use Eagle so I would be grateful if you could
provide PCB layouts for construction and component list.
Say thank you
Invia commenti

3 28 Apr 2018 03:57 PM       Julian               From: Bulgaria
Hello Bogdan!
Would you post a HC-SR04 project with 16F877A, a 4-digit 7-segment common cathode display ?!
With respect

4 12 Apr 2017 02:42 PM       Hend               From: Indonesia
Salut Bogdan...
I am very enjoying almost all of your projects since my interest (so far) about timer, thermostat and led display...
I am into building an automatic incubator (chicken egg incubator) as my hobby and as a plan for my pension time...:)
Right now I am struggling to learn how to add timer feature for egg turning to the current thermostat... its a shame that I am not so familiar with assembly... :(
Any way, thank your very much for so many information you provide here... cheers!

Response:  Hello Hend!
Pf... lol, an answer from me after 5 years, nice.
I forgot to check this old school guestbook but I know I kept it because I have lots of comments in it. This old tech is so nostalgic.
I can't believe this is still working with all the cpanel upgrades & stuff.
I also got hacked because of it but manage to secure it in some way. Any way...
Did you had time to learn assembly?
Did you made that chicken egg incubator?
Hope you're well,

5 05 Apr 2017 03:49 PM       Hans               From: Nijmegen, Netherlands
Hi Bogdan,
I visited your project where you built a digital LED clock based on the PIC16F628A.
I would like to build a clock based on that PIC (because I have some of them unused at home) but not with LED display but
with an LCD display working under the HD44780 protocol.

I wonder if and how I have to change your circuit to do so.

Would be nice if you could help me out, I am not so experienced in PICs etc.


Hi Hans,
take a look at my clock project with HD44780 LCD:

6 08 Mar 2017 01:38 AM       florin               From: rosiori de vede
salut.am facut acest ceasBig digital Clock/Date/Thermometer with PIC16F84/PIC16LF628 and DS18S20/DS18B20 care functioneaza foarte bine, problema este atunci cand se ia lumina trebuie sa- reglezdin nou(cu toate ca am baterie de li-ion 3.7v la el) tot nu isi mentine "memoria".ce pot sa-i fac? am respectat schema ta. multumesc.
Response:  Salut,
Proiectul asta e destul de vechi si l-am facut demult dar imi amintesc ca si eu am avut problema asta si am gasit rezolvarea. Nu stiu daca si la tine e la fel, dar poti incerca. Problema era conectarea butoanelor la sursa principala sau... o greseala in cod ca sa ignore butoanele cand dispare sursa principala. In momentul cand pica sursa, butoanele baga GND pe pini si simuleaza perfect o apasare iar PIC-ul intra in modul de set. Stiu ca am reparat eroarea asta pe ceasul mic dar probabil ca nu am mai recompilat sursele si pe ceasul mare. Poti incerca sa cuplezi butoanele la aceeasi sursa la care e alimentat si pic-ul. Daca nu se repara problema atunci nu prea mai am idei.

7 02 Nov 2016 11:14 PM       Florin           Go to: www.facebook.com/florin.nica.710   From: Craiova
Foarte reusit ceasul, functioneaza fara probleme de 3 ani, de cand am prins 'gustul' microcontrollerelor. Assembler-ul mi s-a parut cam greu de invatat, asa ca am trecut la C.
Response:  Salut Florin,
Ma bucur ca iti place si eu vreo cateva versiuni prin casa biggrin .

8 16 Jul 2016 03:23 AM       Serkan               From: Turkey
Hi Bogdan,
You accomplished really good work. I did the clock and love it! Also adjust the calibration patiently. It's perfect..
I request a thing about segment. I really want to change NUMBER "7". I do not only a-b-c segments. INCLUDE "f" segment also. Is it available? I appreciate to you. Thank you and best regards.. (Nosed number of -7-) f a b c..

Hi Serkan,
The segments are kept in EE, not in the code. I wanted to tell you wich position but didn't have time to identify it.
I think it the 7th position (starting from 0) in EEPROM_dcdt_COMMON_ANODE.MCH (D9) file
D9=11011001 (fecg:bad) where 0 means led on,
26=00100110 (fecg:bad) where 1 means led on.

You can change the D9 directly in the HEX file, this line for CA:
:104200001800DB00A800C8004B004C000C00D900CF to 59, CF colored in black is the checksum, change it with 4F,
or in the HEX for CC this line
:10420000E700240057003700B400B300F300260095 to A6, 95 colored in black is the checksum, change it with 15 .

If I didn't made any mistakes this should do it (edited with checksum)


9 04 Jul 2016 01:19 AM       serkan               From: turkey
Hi dear Bogdan,
You've been worked up very good web site. I'm going to make temp. clock circuit. But I request the digit revolution. I'd like to use "7" number not only a-b-c digits. I'd like to include also "f" digit. I couldn't find to add it in asm file. Can you help me for it? Best regards and thank you a lot.. Serkan....

10 12 Jun 2016 04:25 PM       Danut               From: Timisoara, Romania
Hi Bogdan,

Your PIC programming skills are amazing, and I am wondering if
you can help me with simpler code/ documentation on making
a 24 hours clock ins asm.

Thank you.

Response:  Hi Danut,
I think I can help you, depends on what is to be done.


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